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Being Grateful

This past Shabbat, a number of us gathered outdoors on a frigid morning. We were bundled up, but we were also filled with awe by the beauty that surrounded us as the trees twinkled in the sun covered with ice that seemed diamond-like and an eagle was seen by some. It was a moment of majesty. It invoked a sense of wonder and gratitude to be able to take in the beauty. It also had a calming effect.


With this in mind, I invite you to take a walk sometime during the week ahead and take in one aspect of the world outside your doors. Breathe it in and find a place of gratitude for the ability to be present for the wonder of it all. When you go back inside, I encourage you to call someone you think might need to hear your voice. You will be passing along your sense of gratitude on. This too is a mitzvah.

Sun, March 9 2025 9 Adar 5785