Choose Your Cause
As I was thinking about a mitzvah of the week for the coming week, I realized that after all of the holidays passed, I was tired. In other words, I was fresh out of ideas. So, I decided to look and see what is special about the month of October, and here is what I found.
National ADD/ADHD Awareness Month Adopt A Shelter Dog Month National Animal Safety and Protection Month Antidepressant Death Awareness Month National Apple Month National Applejack Month National Arts & Humanities Month National Audiology Awareness Month National Bake and Decorate Month Bat Appreciation Month National Book Month Breast Cancer Awareness Month National Bullying Prevention Month Caffeine Addiction Recovery Month National Caramel Month Celebrating The Bilingual Child Month National Chili Month National Chiropractic Month National Cookbook Month National Cookie Month Co-op Month National Crime Prevention Month National Critical Illness Awareness Month National Cryptocurrency Month National Cyber Security Awareness Month National Dental Hygiene Month National Dessert Month National Disability Employment Awareness Month National Depression Education & Awareness Month National Domestic Violence Awareness Month Down Syndrome Awareness Month National Dropout Prevention Month National Dwarfism Awareness Month Dysautonomia Awareness Month Dyslexia Awareness Month Eat Better, Eat Together Month National Economic Education Month Emotional Intelligence Awareness Month Emotional Wellness Month Employee Ownership Month National Ergonomics Month National Fair Trade Month National Family Sexuality Education Month Filipino American History Month Financial Planning Month National Fire Prevention Month German-American Heritage Month Global Diversity Awareness Month National Go On A Field Trip Month Halloween Safety Month Head Start Awareness Month Health Literacy Month Home Eye Safety Month National I’m Just Me Because Month |
Italian-American Heritage Month International Walk To School Month National Kitchen & Bath Month National Learning and Development Month National Liver Awareness Month LGBT History Month Long-Term Care Planning Month National Medical Librarian Month National Non-GMO Month Organize Your Medical Information Month National Orthodontic Health Month National Pasta Month Pear and Pineapple Month National Pet CBD Month Photographer Appreciation Month National Physical Therapy Month National Pickled Peppers Month National Pizza Month Polish American Heritage Month National Popcorn Poppin’ Month Positive Attitude Month National Pretzel Month National Principals Month National Protect Your Hearing Month National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month Raptor Month National Reading Group Month Rett Syndrome Awareness Month Rhizomes and Persimmons Month Rhubarb Month Right Brainers Rule! Month National Roller Skating Month National RSV Awareness Month National Sarcastic Awareness Month Self-Promotion Month National Sensory Awareness Month National Spina Bifida Awareness Month Spinach Lovers Month Squirrel Awareness Month (Different Than Squirrel Appreciation Day in January) National Stamp Collecting Month National Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Month National Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Awareness Month Tackling Hunger Month Talk About Prescriptions Month National Toilet Tank Repair Month Vegetarian Month National Window Covering Safety Month National Women’s Small Business Month National Work and Family Month Workplace Politics Awareness Month World Blindness Awareness Month World Menopause Month |
The list is quite long, but I am sure that there is something that will give you pause (after your initial giggle),
and make you say: Yes! I would like to find out more about that topic and do something about it.