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Climate Change

The Time is Now!

  • Jewish tradition teaches us to care for our planet and to preserve that which God has created.
  • Judaism emphasizes our need to preserve our natural resources and generate new ones for future generations.
  • We were given our planet as a loan from God and we should work to preserve it!

To that end, Congregation Tehillah and more than thirty Bronx religious, community and political organizations have sponsored the Bronx-Wide Rally for Climate Justice.  As parents and grandparents, we cannot stand idly by as climate change jeopardizes our children’s future.

The purpose of the rally is to build support for passage of the Climate and Community Investment Act (CCIA), a bill designed to raise money for green infrastructure and renewable energy by making polluters pay for the damage caused to our environment and our health.

Please contact Daniel Guenzburger at if you plan to attend the rally,
for further information, and for actions you can take.

Past Mitzvot

Sun, March 9 2025 9 Adar 5785