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Parashat Pinchas

July 2, 2021 22
Tamuz 5781
Parashat Pinchas
Numbers 25:10 - 30:1

A Poem From the Rabbi
A Blessing

A blessing realized when
there are many voices

A blessing realized as each
plots their own sacred journey

A blessing realized when the
“why” of it all becomes visible

A blessing realized when the love
And care is deep, abiding
And unboundaried

A blessing realized when we are
Reminded that we are stronger together
And supporting one another makes much possible

A blessing realized when the sacred
Makes an appearance
Especially at the most unexpected moment

And finally or maybe not…
A blessing realized
That the holiness that dwells within each of us
Carries with it the hope for the future and
Appreciation of the now

Sun, February 2 2025 4 Shevat 5785