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Parashat Pinchas

July 2, 2021 22
Tamuz 5781
Parashat Pinchas
Numbers 25:10 - 30:1

A Poem From the Rabbi
A Blessing

A blessing realized when
there are many voices

A blessing realized as each
plots their own sacred journey

A blessing realized when the
“why” of it all becomes visible

A blessing realized when the love
And care is deep, abiding
And unboundaried

A blessing realized when we are
Reminded that we are stronger together
And supporting one another makes much possible

A blessing realized when the sacred
Makes an appearance
Especially at the most unexpected moment

And finally or maybe not…
A blessing realized
That the holiness that dwells within each of us
Carries with it the hope for the future and
Appreciation of the now

Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785