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Praying With Your Feet

Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel described the march to Selma as "praying with his feet." This Shabbat, at 2pm, we will be gathering on Broadway and 254th Street to proclaim loudly and clearly that a woman has rights to her own body. Our tradition teaches us to value the life of women. You have heard me teach in the name of my teacher, Dr. Diane Sharon, that the status of women in a society is akin to a canary in a coal mine. Let us pray together as we walk, pray for a world that is better, more caring, kinder, and gentler.

This event is on Shabbat, but is in the neighborhood and walkable for many of us. Come to show support for our sisters in Texas that have been targeted for their right to choose. Signs will be provided, or bring your own.

Sun, March 9 2025 9 Adar 5785