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RAPP Campaign

RAPP CampaignIn this week’s Torah portion Joseph is at the height of his powers as an Egyptian Vizier. But just a short while ago in his story he was imprisoned. The story of his incarceration indicates that he was a model prisoner, but that did nothing to shorten his sentence or hasten his probation.

Our story tells us that he was a prisoner for over two years even after he was promised assistance in getting out. His jailor needed his unique skill set in order for him to be set free.

In my words about the weekly Torah portion above, I highlighted the power of teshuvah -- the ability to change and grow even after doing terrible things.

This week we will be welcoming a panel from RAPP, who will speak to the current issues of mass incarceration and the difficult road for those who have been truly rehabilitated. We will hear about three campaigns that are crucial to decarcerating folks who are rehabilitated and ready to return to their communities as full and respected members. Learn how you can become involved!

The mitzvah this week is to listen to the stories of others.
Visit the RAPP website HERE

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