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Sunday Market

Rick Feldman will be visiting the Riverdale Y Sunday Market this Sunday to hand out tzedakah boxes. In past years, Rick raised money through flea market tables, which isn't possible at this time. Tzedakah boxes are a way for his organization (Art for Aid) to raise money for various causes/projects in our neighborhood. Last month, they raised money for the Riverdale Y COVID Fund. This month, they are raising money for the Kingsbridge Riverdale Marble Hill Food Pantry.

Rick will be at the Sunday Market from 9-11am, at 4545 Independence Avenue (Riverdale Temple parking lot). You do not need a reservation to get a tzedakah box, but you are welcome to shop during that time.

The tzedakah boxes are "due" back by July 31. You can bring them back to the Sunday Market or contact Rick at You can also contact Rick if you want to donate money directly.

Wed, January 22 2025 22 Tevet 5785