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GO OUT AND VOTE - Each and every vote makes a difference, especially with ballot initiatives. There are many ways to be engaged in the world and exercising our right to vote is one of them. It is not a right to be taken for granted.

The ballot initiatives make a real difference in our lives. To learn about them, read the full text here before you go to the polls. Being an informed voter is key to our democratic system of government. Here are a couple of links that give more information about the ballot proposals that are reasonably objective:

Click on the links below to learn more about the proposals:




Early voting goes until Sunday, October 31. Riverdale residents can go vote at 1 of 2 locations:

INTech Academy at 2975 Tibbett Avenue and
the Riverdale Y at 5625 Arlington Avenue.

Click HERE to find out your early voting site. NOTE: For those voters whose polling site is Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, your early voting site is now the Riverdale Y.

Past Mitzvot

Sun, March 9 2025 9 Adar 5785